Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 4/29/24

Year: 2024


Original Research

The aim of "Journal of Samsun Health Sciences"  is to share the results produced from health studies with researchers, experts, policy makers and other stakeholders and to contribute the production of scientific knowledge in local, national and international dimensions. Our international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal is indexed in Journal Factor and InfoBase Index, Index Copernicus. 

Our journal is a multidisciplinary refereed scientific publication. Our journal, which has been published since 2015, is a refereed journal and is published as three times a yearWhile our journal has been published in print with the issn number "2458-8857" since 2015, it has been published online only with the e-issn number "2791-9722" as of December 2021. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. No fee is requested from the authors during the publishing process. The articles to be submitted to the journal go through the referee evaluation process. After a rapid, qualified, double-blind review, the health sciences literature is introduced. Original articles, reviews and case reports submitted to our journal from medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and all other health disciplines are accepted. Orginal articles with a high level of evidence have priority for publication in our journal. In our journal all articles are published as open access.

Author Guidelines
Journal of Samsun Health Sciences is an international and multidisciplinary journal and publishes scientific studies in all fields of Health Sciences. The language of publication of the articles to be published in the journal is Turkish or English. The journal is published three times a year. In addition to giving priority to clinical research articles, the journal also publishes review articles, case report, letters to the editor, technical notes and meeting reports. Computational and theoretical articles are also accepted for evaluation for publication. Review articles are usually in the form of invitation, but priority is given to these invitation review articles.
Submit Article
Journal of Samsun Health Sciences accepts articles that have not previously been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. The final forms of multi-author manuscripts submitted for the review phase must be approved by all authors who submit the article. After the article has been accepted for publication in the journal, it should not be sent for publication in another journal. If previously used studies in the form of thesis, presentation and paper are transformed into articles, information about their previous use must be given. Otherwise, it is considered plagiarism and our journal does not accept this obligation. In addition, this information about the article is included in the title page under the heading "Author note", the congress, date, place, type of paper, thesis and so on. should be specified. (Example: Author's Note: This study was presented as a poster / oral presentation at the 4th National Midwifery Student Congress (2-4 May 2013, Samsun).). The article should be written in a well-understandable Turkish (for articles to be sent in Turkish). Ethics committee approval must be obtained and documented for clinical / non-clinical studies that require an ethics committee decision. National and internationally valid ethical rules must be complied with. The maximum similarity of articles submitted for publication in the journal is 15%. Authors should check this rate in the plagiarism analysis program (İThenticate) before submitting an article to the journal. Articles for which no similarity report is submitted will not be evaluated. Journal of Samsun Health Sciences evaluates the articles submitted through the Dergipark system by sending them to at least two reviewers and by blinding them. Articles sent to the journal park system are quickly reviewed and evaluated, and the result is reported to the authors as soon as possible. Authors can follow the developments about their articles on the Dergipark system. Authors who will submit articles to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences must first register with the Dergipark system and use this system for their subsequent articles. ORCID numbers are required from the authors for the submission of all articles. Authors should add their ORCID numbers to the title page. Articles that do not comply with the author guidelines are not evaluated scientifically.
Copyright Transfer Form
The copyright transfer form signed by all authors must be sent by the corresponding author during article submission to the journal. Articles for which a copyright transfer form has not been submitted will not be evaluated.

Click here for the copyright transfer form.

Electronic Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be uploaded to the system as a word file. For the manuscript;
a) Title page,
b) Full text manuscript and
c) Blinded manuscript (Name, address and other information about the authors are not written) should be uploaded to the system in three separate Word files.
The manuscript should be prepared electronically in a Microsoft Word compatible word generation package, A4 format, 1 spaced, Times New Roman 12 fonts,.
In the article, the paragraph indent should be 1.25 cm and there should not be indentation in the first paragraph after the titles and the title. Page numbers should not be included. Tables, figures and graphics should be included in the text. Articles should have 2.5 cm margins at the top / bottom and left / right side of the page.
Title Page: The title page should contain the following: (1) full title (Turkish / English); (2) the full names of the authors; (3) the institution (s) the authors work for (4) the number of pages of the article, the number of pictures and tables; (5) Corresponding author's address, telephone number, Orcid numbers and e-mail addresses of all authors should be written. Studies previously used in the form of thesis, presentation and paper should be stated under the name of "Author Note". In articles written in Turkish; The Turkish name of the study should be written in Times New Roman font, capital letters, 12 points and bold characters, and the English name should be written in lowercase 12 points and bold. For articles written in English, the English title should be written in Times New Roman font, capital letters, 12 points and bold characters, Turkish title in lower case, 12 points and bold characters.
Abstract: Turkish and English abstracts should be structured with the titles " Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions", not exceeding 300 words. In the abstract, reference to previous studies should be avoided and abbreviations should not be used. English and Turkish abstract should be written on the same page. The English abstract should be the same as the Turkish abstract and include the titles "Aim, Method, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations". Turkish abstract Title must write as "OZ"
Keywords: Under both Turkish and English abstract sections, at least 4 and at most 6 keywords belonging to both languages should be used, avoiding general and plural terms.
The first letters of the keywords should be written in capital, the others should be in lowercase letters and semicolons should be used between them. Under the Turkish abstract, "Keywords" should be placed, and under the English abstract, "Keywords". English keywords should be given in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MESH)" (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html). Turkish keywords Türkiye Bilim Terimleri (TBT) should be in accordance with what (http://www.bilimterimleri.com).
Manuscripts includes following section;
Original research
Abstract (Turkish and English)
Conclusions and recommendations
Acknowledge and Explanations
Conflict of Interest
Abstract (Turkish and English)
Titles related to the topic
Case Report:
Abstract (Turkish and English)
Case Report
Introduction: The purpose and reasons of the study should be revealed precisely and previous studies directly related to the topic should be cited.
Method: The method used in the study should be given under this title. If subtitles are to be given, the section should be written in italics. Known, new or modified methods should be given explicitly to allow those who will work on the same topic to repeat the research. If a previously known method has been used, reference should be made to the relevant literature.
Results: This section should include the findings obtained from the study and should be supported with tables, figures and graphics if necessary. Findings should be given in tables, figures or graphics in order to avoid duplication. Statistically significant factors should be grouped with a comparison method suitable for the applied statistical analysis method. In cases where the statistical analysis method is not selected correctly and / or the analysis is not done properly, the department editors may not consider the article.
Discussion: Results should be discussed using the results of other studies on similar topicss.
Conclusion and recommendations: The results obtained from the study should be given briefly and clearly, together with its contribution to science and practice. The statements given in the Introduction, Results and Discussion sections should not be repeated in the same way in this section. When necessary, results can be itemized.
Acknowledgments and Explanations: If necessary, financial support, donations and other technical assistance provided by other researcher / s and institution / s to the study should be specified in this section.
Conflict of interest: In this section, authors should state any personal or financial conflicts of interest regarding their work.
Author Contribution: It should be stated clearly to which stages of the article all authors contributed, and general expressions should not be used. Author contributions should be stated under the following headings. Study Concept / Design:…., Data collection: ……, Data analysis and interpretation: ……, Draft of the article:… .., Approval of the final version of the article:… .., Funding (if applicable): ……, Other: ….
In-text and end-of-text references should be written according to APA 6 reference style. References in the text should be indicated in parentheses together with the year of publication. Some examples are at the following.
* If a single author source is specified in the text (author's surname, year), it is sufficient to write. For example (Ozturk, 2004).
* If a source with two authors is specified in the text, the surnames of both authors are specified each time. For example: (Kaya & Akgul, 2008).
For example: * If the number of authors is three or more, only the first name should be written and "et al" should be added (Abisel et al., 2005).
If the references are more than one, the author's surnames are listed alphabetically and separated by (;). (author surname, year of publication; author surname, year of publication), (Abisel et al., 2005; Kejanlıoglu et al., 2004).
All references in the article should be written on a separate page at the end of the article. References should be listed alphabetically on the basis of the first author's surname and publication year. The accuracy of the references is the responsibility of the authors. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts and personal speeches should be written in the article. If information obtained as a result of personal conversations will be used, if this is a letter, it should be made with the permission of the relevant person. All references should be written in the article.
Abbreviations of journals should be written at http://www.atifdizini.com/journals/tr-index.html and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals. For the journal titles that are not included in these two directories, printed or electronic editions of the journals can be viewed. Use the resources in the following ways.
Article with Single-author from the journal
Kartal, Y. A. (2019). Investigation of the relationship between the prevalence fear of lack of mobile phone (nomophobia) and the perception of social support among midwifery students. Celal Bayar University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 6(4), 308-312.
Articles with Multiple-author from the journal
Deave, T., & Johnson, D. (2008). The transition to parenthood: what does it mean for fathers? Journal of advanced nursing, 63(6), 626-633.
Article from electronic journal
Farooqui, I.A., Pore, P. & Gothankar, J. (2018). Nomophobia: An emerging issue in medical institutions? J.Ment.Health, 27 (5), 438-441 https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2017.1417564. (The address (URL) of the page belonging to the source or only the doi number, if available, is sufficient.)
Book with a single author:Turan S. (2013). Qualitative Research: A Guide to Pattern and Practice. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
Book with multiple authors:Kıngır, S., Şimsek, Ş. (2006). Selections from Contemporary Management Tools (1st Edition). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. p.50-63.
Chapter in an Edited Book:
Kejanlıoglu, B. (2005). The Concept of Public Sphere in Media Studies. In Meral Özbek (Ed.), Public Domain (pp. 689-713). Istanbul: Hil.
Book with Editor:
Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Public Space. Istanbul: Hil.
Unpublished theses, posters, papers:
If downloaded from YOK (Council of High Education), the URL address is given to the end of the tag information.
Sarıoğlu, A. (2014). Validity and Reliability of Individual Innovativeness Scale in Nursing. Department of Management in Nursing. Master Thesis. Atatürk University Institute of Health Sciences, Erzurum.
The URL where the resource can be accessed and the date of access should be given on the resource from which electronic address is used.
Tables, Figures and Graphics
All tables, figures and graphics should be placed in the relevant place within the article. The article should contain a maximum of 5 tables and a maximum of 5 figures / graphics. Pictures supporting the research results should be in "jpg" format with a resolution of 300-600 dpi. Pictures should be numbered consecutively as seen in the article. If the pictures have been published in another journal and these pictures will be used in Samsun Health Sciences Journal, copyright should be obtained. Original source should be stated separately in the journal. All pictures should be cited in the text. References in the text are shown in Fig. 1, fig. 2 ıt should be made in this format. Vertical lines should not be used in tables and creating trusses should be avoided. Each table should be numbered sequentially and reference should be made to the table numbers in the text (Table 1). Table and figure titles should be short and descriptive, written in lowercase letters. Table, figure and graphic titles should be 10 punto, Times New Roman font. Text in tables and figures should be 10 pt. Table title should be written above the table, and figure and graphic titles should be written below. Its detailed explanation and footnotes should be written at the bottom of the table, figure and graphic in 9 punto Times New Roman. If abbreviations are used in tables, figures and graphics, explanations of the abbreviations should be given in the sub-notes. A period should not be placed at the end of the table, figure and graphic titles and the explanations below. In numerical values given in the text and in tables and figures, periods should be used as decimal separators, no commas should be used.
Journal of Samsun Health Sciences
Editor's Office,
Ondokuz Mayıs University,
Samsun Faculty of Health Sciences, Kurupelit, 55139 Samsun, Turkey
Fax: +90 362 457 69 26
E-mail: jshs@omu.edu.tr

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
This journal is committed to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Articles which have been prepared in Turkish or English languages, not previously published in another journal or presented to another journal simultaneously. While constituting the ethical duties and responsibilities following, it has been prepared by taking account of the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Publication processes applied in Journal of Samsun Health Sciences aim to develop and distribute information in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes implemented in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support the authors. It is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) adhere to the standards of ethical principles. Author (s) who submit a study to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• It is expected that the studies submitted by the authors to the journal will be original. If the author (s) benefit from or use other studies, they must be cited completely and accurately.
• Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the study should not be specified as authors.
• The situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, of all works submitted for publication should be explained.
• To act in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration Principles in all studies involving the element of "human". In the presence of such studies, it should be stated in the METHOD section of the article that the authors conducted the study in accordance with these principles and received "informed consent" from the ethics committees of their institutions and from the people who participated in the study.
• If the "Animal" element is used in the study, the authors should state in the METHOD section of the article that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the principles of Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and that they get approval from the ethics committees of their institutions.
• Regardless of the revealing of the patient's identity in case report, obtaining "informed consent" from patients should be presenting them in accordance with patient privacy
• If there is a direct-indirect commercial link or financial support institution for the study, the authors; to indicate to the editor on the presentation page that there is no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, company ... used and what kind of a relationship (consultant, other agreements), if any • If "Ethics Committee Approval (IRB)" is required for the article; the authors declare that they have received ethics committee approval, in the "Method" section, with the date and number.
• The article should include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
• Raw data related to their articles may be requested from the author (s) within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case, the author (s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific board.
• The author (s) must have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data obtained, the necessary permissions for the research / analysis, or the consent of the experimental subjects.
• In the case that the author (s) notices a mistake or error in their published work, at the earlycite or evaluation process, the journal editor or publisher has an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing.
• Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be submit to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences Journal.
• Changing the author responsibilities of a study whose evaluation process has started (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing authors) cannot be proposed.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editors'
The editors of Journal of Samsun Health Sciences are responsible for every publication published on the basis of "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" as open access published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
In the context of this responsibility, editors must fulfill the following roles and obligations:
Considering only the public interest in the decisions made about the journal; they must decide independently.
Due to the independence-based relationship between Publishers and Editors, all decisions should be taken independently of the publisher and other persons and organizations.
The journal should strive for continuous improvement and increase in the quality of its publication.
It should ensure that journal policies such as publication, blind review, evaluation process, ethical principles are determined and implemented.
It should ensure that all published articles are evaluated by appropriately qualified referees.
It should protect the copyright of the article authors published in the journal.
During the publishing process of articles and journals, they should take relevant precautions regarding intellectual property rights, scientific and unethical behavior, plagiarism and citation ganging.
It should update the manual aimed at meeting the information needs of the author (s) and referees.
Records of each article and correspondence related to the journal should be kept electronically or in print.
Ethical Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers
Journal of Samsun Health Sciences is execute the principle of double-blind refereeing. In this system, where the referees do not directly communicate with the authors, the referees send their correction requests to the authors through the journal management system through the journal management system, through the article evaluation forms and the notes specified on the text. In this context, the referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
Should only agree to evaluate studies related to his / her field of specialization.
The evaluation should be made in neutral and confidentiality.
Since they can only use the final versions of the studies they have examined after they are published, they should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process due to the confidentiality principle.
When they understand that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editor of the journal.
Should make the assessment objectively only in relation to the content of the study.
It should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and business concerns to influence the assessment.
Make the assessment in accordance with academic etiquette, with a constructive and courteous language. Avoid insulting, hostile and humiliating personal comments.
In order to evaluate, they must report the work they have accepted with the "Referee evaluation form" in time.
Plagiarism Policy of Journal (Plagiarism Policy)
Plagiarism is the use of others' published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property rights) without attribution or permission and presenting as new and original rather than deriving from an existing source. Self-plagiarism means that an author uses parts of his previous articles on the same topic elsewhere in his publications, without specifically citing them (https://wame.org/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals) .
In Journal of Samsun Health Sciences, publications with plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism detected in editorial evaluation since 2019 are not taken into consideration. During the file upload process, authors are required to upload the similarity report they obtained using a suitable plagiarism program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) to the system along with other files. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 15% are accepted as plagiarism and rejected.
Period of Article Evaluation
It is aimed to complete the evaluation processes of the articles submitted to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences within 12 to 16 weeks. In unusual cases, this period may sometimes be longer.
Processes of Correction and Withdrawal
Articles submitted to Journal of Samsun Health Sciences cannot be withdrawn after the referee process begins or because they are sent to another journal. Authors can withdraw their manuscript that has not been refereed with a petition stating that they want to retract the manuscript by contacting the journal editors. Authors cannot send their articles to another journal for evaluation unless the retraction request is approved by the editorial board.
Publication / Copyright
Journal of Samsun Health Sciences does not charge any fee for the submission, evaluation, acceptance, printing and publication of the article. All kinds of publication / copyrights of the articles accepted for publication belong to our journal. The thoughts and suggestions in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors. For each article, authors must fill in the "Copyright Transfer" and send it to the journal with the article. At the same time, the contribution of the author should be stated in the article.
Scientific Responsibility
All authors must have a direct academic-scientific contribution to the submitted article. The responsible author, who is responsible for the communication with the journal, is responsible for the final version of the article on behalf of all authors.
If You Encounter an Unethical Situation
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content other than the above mentioned ethical responsibilities in Samsun Journal of Health Sciences, please report to jshs@omu.edu.tr via e-mail.

Archiving Policy
All articles published in the journal are archived in the Dergipark system.

Journal of Samsun Health Sciences does not charge any fee for the submission, evaluation and publication of the articles. Authors do not pay article processing fees or submission fees for the studies they submit to the journal.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).